As the year begins to draw to a close, many of us will
embark on creating our list of New Year’s Resolutions. Ruminating over past
successes (and failures) we’ll ponder whether we should yet again put “start
exercising” and “lose 5 pounds (or 10 or 15, take your pick) at the top of our
lists. Year after year we strive to tell ourselves “I will” or “I won’t” and by
February (when Valentine’s Day rolls around with all that delectable chocolate)
we start beating ourselves up for not sticking to our resolutions and our lack
of willpower. Or perhaps you’ve reached a crossroads in your life due to a loss
of job or kids moving out of the “nest”. Maybe you’ve become disillusioned with
the path you’ve been on; it’s not as fulfilling as you expected it to be.
Something seems to be missing. We begin to have this year-in-review running
through our minds, questioning “Where have I been?” and “Where am I going?”.
Regardless of one’s successes or failures, a thoughtful mind always wonders
about the purpose of life; “Who am I?” “What am I here for?”.
If your life is in transition because of kids going off to
college, the loss of a loved one, or the excited time of getting married or
moving to a new home, listening to and following that that inner voice gives
you peace, calm and strength to carry forward when there may be outward chaos.
Why not do something DIFFERENT this year? RESOLVE to tap
into your inner Bliss and find your true purpose. When you are listening to and
following your purpose you are acting mindfully, you are in balance, and have
peace and happiness in your heart. When your focus is on becoming your highest
self, when you “look within” instead of searching outside of yourself, it
doesn’t matter what sort of work you are doing, or if you are currently looking
for work, or if there seems to be outward chaos, you’re keeping an open mind
and you are happy with where you are at that very moment.
You might be asking, “How do I do that?”.
Change your attitude. Give unselfishly of yourself, count
your blessings and meditate. Turn your awareness toward spirituality. When you
connect to your God-source within, life flows more easily and you find
satisfaction and happiness in your daily life.
God, Source, The Universe, Higher Self, whatever you relate
to, this understanding generates love for others which further generates
constructive energy to serve others without seeking any in return. When you
center your purpose on giving and not getting and align yourself with a cause
greater than yourself, the Universe yields to help you achieve and expand your
Whatever you resolve, make a
fresh start in 2013.
Make a fresh start in 2013.
Tune into the still small voice inside. Find your Bliss!
Performing the exercises below will guide you to tuning into the still
small voice inside. Find your Bliss!
self-purification and self-transformation of the preconditioned mind and
achieve serenity of mind through following seven steps:
- Make the commitment to attain the supreme goal of life and maintain self-discipline (Focus on self-improvement and do not blame others).
- Keep good company of people who have similar goals (Guru, Geeta, and Gopal).
- Perform every action as selflessly a service to God.
- Develop unconditional love for God and others (His creation) without any expectations.
- Experience and realize own knowledge of, God/Self.
- Practice Meditation, Prayers, Pranayam (breathing discipline), and Asanas (physical postures).
- Surrendering to God.
As you practice,
you will come closer and closer to your goal of life, become happier and
happier person and be able to enjoy life to the fullest and finally attain your
true nature “Sat (Truth) Chit (Consciousness) Ananda (Bliss)”.
Satya Kalra
Founder of Path to Anandam
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